Tool #4: The License Plate of Responsibility, pt. 1
What is a license plate but a tool for telling the world “Here I am. I’m covered. I’ll do my best, and if something goes south, I’m accountable”. This relates to our emotional, spiritual, and psychological worlds, too: We all carry...Tool # 3: The Bird Feeder of Grace
Grace. It is rather difficult to talk about Grace as a thing, a tool. Particularly as there is nothing transactional about Grace, and you can’t earn it or become undeserving of it. Grace what we exhibit when we choose to give others (or ourselves) the benefit...Tool # 2: The Pipe Cleaner of Creativity
The Tools of Good Living can be taught. Creativity, like Pipe Cleaners, is flexible, colourful, and cheap to come by. It also liberates you.